Discover Our Physiotherapy Services and Their Benefits
Redrock Physio in St Albans provides specialised physiotherapy services designed to relieve pain, improve mobility, and expedite recovery. Our hands-on treatments address a variety of conditions, including sports injuries and spinal discomfort, ensuring optimal physical therapy benefits for our clients. With a focus on personalised care, we aim to enhance your well-being and guide you toward a better quality of life. Experience the physical therapy benefits by booking an appointment with us today!

At Redrock Physio I aim to restore, maintain and improve your movement, maximising your quality of life. We can help alleviate pain and symptoms from a wide range of injuries and disease related pain.
Conditions may include:​
Neck pain (torticolis)
Mechanical back pain and sciatica (leg pain)
Frozen shoulder and rotator cuff impingement
Runners knee, anterior knee pain
Tennis Elbow

Sports Injuries
With over twenty years' experience of treating sports related injuries, We will get you back on track and to the finishing line! The team are highly skilled at treating soft tissue injuries that have arisen through either trauma or overuse and am happy to liaise with your consultant regarding rehab protocols to manage your symptoms.
Tendinopathies - Achilles Tendonitis, Tennis Elbow, shoulder impingement, Dequervains
Ligamentous injuries - ankle sprains to ruptured ACL
Muscular tears - hamstring, calf and quadriceps injuries
Running Injuries - ITB dysfunction, Bursitis, flat feet
Foot pain - Metatarsalgia, Mortons neuroma ect..
Biomechanical assessment

Arthritis and Hypermobility
Having a physiotherapist who understands the complexities of rheumatological conditions is unique.
The differences between connective tissue disorders and inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis is vast. Understanding that these conditions cause chronic ongoing pain is important to setting appropriate goals.
Whether this is helping to reduce pain associated with inflammation or using exercise to improve movement, build strength or advise splints to reduce load on joints.
The aim of treatment is to limit pain and improve movement.
Hypermobility - Including Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Psoriatic arthritis

Post-op Physiotherapy
Redrock Physio has an experienced team who will help your with your post-op recovery.
Treatment includes advice, support and guidance on attaining full range of movement after your operation.
We have experience in treating patients who are recovering from a wide range of musculoskeletal operations for instance:
Spinal surgery - decompressions, fusions and corrective surgery
Shoulder surgery- total shoulder replacement, labral tears, manipulation under anaesthetic and shoulder decompressions
Hip surgery - total hip replacement, arthroscopies, hip resurfacing
Knee surgery - total knee replacement, ACL replacement, arthroscopies, cartilage and meniscal repairs
Please note that domiciliary physiotherapy appointments can be organised. Please message for details.

Occupational Health
I have been involved in Occupational Health (OH) provision over the past 10 years.
The benefits of an in-house physiotherapy service has been shown to help employers and staff to establish safe working practices and manage health issues.
My aim is to prevent as well as treat musculoskeletal problems, which can have benefits such as reduced sickness absence and improved staff retention.
Please contact me for further information and bookings.
In-house Physiotherapy Clinics
Risk Assessments - Display Screen Equipment Assessments (DSEA)
Work Station Assessments
Pregnancy Work Place Assessments (PWPA)
Wellness days
Advice on purchasing equipment